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Intelligent Measuring

Laser Alignment Equipment & Tools

The use of laser alignment tools and equipment has meant more accurate measuring capabilities than technologies that were in use before the laser was engineered into the process. For example, in measuring and aligning several points, a wire used to be used. This method introduces many inaccuracies right off of the bat. The wire has weight, so over a distance it will sag. It can also be blown by the wind. It can twist, vibrate and kink.

A laser has the advantage of being affected by none of these drawbacks and it can establish a line of sight that is straight and true. It is not a safety hazard and establishes a constant and unvarying reference, which is accurate to within thousandths of an inch.

With laser alignment techniques, also called optical tooling, precise measurements can be made without all of the sticky problems that had been encountered with previous measurement techniques. The previous measurement systems all depended upon some sort of mechanical measurement that always had the possibility of human error, or an outside force, which would interfere with accuracy.

Without laser alignment and tooling technology modern construction and manufacturing would be in a difficult position. Laser alignment and tooling devices provide totally accurate measurement and calibration that was unheard of 40 years ago. The speed and accuracy that is provided by lasers free up time formerly spent in measurement and has made these processes more efficient and accurate.

Toucan Tools offer a variety of laser alignment equipment, which have been divided into the categories above: laser levels, plumb lasers, accessories and measuring equipment. If you have any problems or queries whilst browsing the categories, please don't hesitate to call us today.

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